Saturday, April 23, 2011

Veni, Vidi, Vici!

Why did I create this blog?

If you've ever doubted yourself.  If you've ever had second thoughts.  If you've ever had butterflies in your stomach.  If someone has ever called you the underdog -- and not in a cute way. Then this blog is for you. 

This blog is dedicated to you, Mr. Underdog.  This is for those butterflies in your stomach.

This blog isn't for the "naturals."  This is for the rest of us.  This is for the ones who struggle.  This is for those who persevere.  This isn't for the quitters.  It's not for the whiners or the losers.

This is about bringing people together to be a part of something bigger than just themselves.  It isn't just about me and my experiences or just you and yours.  It's about everyone's.  It's about even more than that.

How am I going to turn this into reality?

With your help we're going to turn this into something important.  It all starts with an idea.  An idea that will turn into action.  Actions that will help inspire others to take action.  This isn't about hugging trees in our birkenstocks and singing kumbayas.  It's about really doing things.  But in order to get there, it's going to take teamwork towards a common goal.

What is the goal?

Our goal is to get back to the basics.  To be the men our fathers wanted us to be.  To be the people that society needs.  Our goal is to get back to giving to the community.  Let's stop this lame life of taking, and start a new life, stretching beyond our limits, and doing a bit of giving.  Poke your metrosexual fashion designers in the eyes with a sharp stick.  Get rid of those skinny jeans, put on some real pants, and say hello to your mother for me. 

I'm going to write about overcoming challenges.  I'll put up some interviews with inspirational people, and links to other pages or blogs that I find inspirational.  I'm going to push myself.  I'm going to take on new experiences and, hopefully, Conquer.  I expect you'll do the same.  I'm going to meet new people, make new friends, and trample my fears.  I hope to find people along the way who share this passion with me. 

 All of this results in "Conquer."  Conquer your fears, your doubts, your disbelief.  The period at the end of the phrase is because that is where we end the sentence, but what you conquer, well, that's up to you.  I dare you.  I dare you to conquer your fears.  I dare you to push yourself.  It's not going to be easy.  There are certain unknowns.  If you're scared, then go back now to the safety of your cozy little nest of safety, because this blog isn't for you.  If you think you might enjoy this blog, then stick around.  Embrace the unknown.

I want to hear your stories.  I want you to share with me times when you were at the brink and overcame that obstacle. 

-- Hook

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